Meet Our Staff

Aaron Bryant
Aaron is the owner of Audio Sellerz. Started doing car audio professionally in 2008 at a shop called M&M Mobile in Defiance, Ohio followed by going to H.D. Electronics in Paulding, Ohio. Soon after the company opened a location in defiance at which Aaron was in charge of.
Aaron competed in car audio competition from 2008 until 2022. He has been a multi world record holder and has won world titles with her personal build and the builds of his team mates on Team SoundCheck.
In 2022 Audio Sellerz offically launched only selling car audio apparel but the heart and desire was in car audio at which point we started selling equipment. Here we are today doing our thing loving every min of it.

Taylor Black
Taylor has been with Audio Sellerz since around 6 months after the business started. Taylor used to work at American Bass where aaron and taylor had met.
Taylor is in charge of local sales and installs so if you stop by chances are you will see taylor working away. Taylors biggest passion in life is car audio and loves what he does. He often says Audio Sellerz was a dream come true.

Eddie Maziarz
Aaron and eddie met from doing apparel. Eddie had bought a DTG machine we had off us. During which they had talked about about apparel and slowly got to know each other. Turned out they had a lot of things in common and both enjoyed a bunch of other hobbies like drones and 3d printing. Eddie had a lot of graphic design and website building experience.
Audio Sellerz was going to an event and was making audio apparel on site and Aaron had invited Eddie to come check out the scene and have a weekend of fun. Eddie very much enjoyed the show as he had never been around car audio in such large calibers and thought it was very kool to get to experiance.
Eddie now works for Audio Sellerz helping with website design and graphics as well as marketing. Eddie also helps make some of our very own in-house products. He truly is the guy in the background not alot get to meet or see but trust he is always making sure the business is seen.

Randall Ricthie
Aaron and randall met doing car audio in the competition lanes. Since they had met they have been very very good friends. They once was on Team American Bass together. Some of you may know randall as THE SPOON if you are around MECA.
When aaron started audio sellerz randall was getting out of business with Why So Serious. There Friendship just made sense to transition over to Audio Sellerz.
If you go to shows it will be very obvious where randall is. He will be the guy walking around with a tote of Audio Sellerz swag handing it out and likely a basket full of Audio Sellerz Equipment trying to get sales.

Mike Schnuerer
Aaron and Mike met through the competition lanes. When aaron used to do custom apparel mike used to have a team and would get all of the team swag through aaron. Through the years they had become friends.
Mike does alot of the shipping in and out of audio sellerz as well as help out doing installs when we get super busy.
Austin Ruminski
Austin is the newest member of the Audio Sellerz team. Aaron and Austion had originally met at a job they had both worked at for brief time. They both shared a passion for custom cars & performance which was able to bring the two together. When Audio Sellerz was busy doing alot of local sales and installs they knew they needed more help. Austion was a no brainer as he already had a basic knowledge of car audio and had been a previous auto mechanic.